Happy Marriage Charm

Happy Marriage Charm

Happy Marriage Charm Here is a charm that you can make to bring happiness into your marriage! This one is really easy to make and you will feel the good vibes flowing in no time!

Materials and supplies:

Nine dried yarrow stalks
A green ribbon
Spellcasting: Take the stalks and tie them together in a bouquet with the green ribbon. Hang it over the bed to bring joy and romance into your marriage.

Timing: the waxing moon
Powerful Voodoo marriage spell

For even more powerful spells, take a look at black magic love spells. They are even more powerful, and if you are willing to take responsibility for any consequences that might occur, there is no rule against practicing the dark arts. There are plenty of witchcraft practices that cross over into the dark arts without any judgment. If you are not a member of a Wiccan coven, there is no prohibition. In fact, many witches argue that the use the darker magical arts is necessary to properly balance the scales of justice because karma does not always work as it should.

A Happy Marriage Charm

Voodoo love spells are some of the most powerful love and marriage magic spells out there. Try the voodoo love spell and add some ingredients for marriage. You can add a wedding ring, etc. Or try out this Voodoo Marriage spell from the Hoodoo Witch.

Materials and supplies:

A paper
Lovers picture
Red candle

Write your lover’s full name and date of birth on the piece of paper
Take the photo and cover the picture with the honey.
Place the picture at your right just in front of the candle and apple.
Close your eyes and visualize your lover’s proposal to you. Meditate on how you want the marriage to be.
Invoke the power of the Goddess by chanting the following:
“Oh! Awesome and wise Erzulie, goddess of the voodoo master,
Make (name of the person) to build his future with me,
May his eyes be my eyes, may his voice be my voice and may his love be my love,
I implore that his life and mine be made one and that we are together forever,

At this point, you can end your ritual with a strong faith then expect the manifestations of the marriage spell as soon as possible.

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