Easy Spells for Beginners

 Easy Spells for Beginners

Easy Spells for Beginners Witchcraft and spellcasting have become quite popular in the last few years so when you start reading up, you might feel a little overwhelmed! There are so many different types of spells, tools, materials, and supplies, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Well, there are Easy Spells for Beginners out there that can be just as powerful as the complicated ones if they are cast correctly.

So, start out with some simple spells. Every kind of spellcasting takes practice, but even beginners can try out these easy spells! And you don’t need a ton of special ingredients either.

 Easy Spells for beginners with Easy Spells with Candles

candle magic beginner spells easy spells Candle Spells are some of the best beginner spells! Spend a few moments refining your intention. Now think of a symbol to represent that intention. It can even be a word. All you need to do meditate on your intention as you carve this into the candle. Now light the candle and allow your wish to be released to the universe as it burns. This is one of the simplest forms of candle magic!

The Easy Spells for Beginners

spells for beginners moon phases The basic rules of moon spellcasting are pretty simple. The waxing moon, when the moon is growing larger, is for casting manifestation spells. That means any spell for new beginnings, starting new projects, finding new love, is a good one for the waxing moon. The full moon is a time for extra power. You can cast any kind of spell on the full moon, but most effective will be adding extra intensity to something that is already in motion. You might have guessed by now that the waning moon, or the two weeks when the moon is growing smaller, is best for getting rid of things. We refer to this as banishing. Want to remove negative energies from your life? The new moon is the best time to cast spells for that.

Beginner Spells with Crystals
Crystals are a very easy way to cast magic spells! Refer to any crystal library to find out which powers are associated with which stones. Then, hold the crystal in your hand and feel its energy. Focus your intention into the crystal. You can wear it as a piece of jewelry or carry it in your pocket to keep the energy with you. Some stones are also great placed under your pillow at night to aid in restful sleep and psychic protection.

How can cast an Easy Beginner Spell?

The great thing about Beginner Spells is that anyone can cast them!  That’s why even advanced witches will cast them from time to time. Why? There are many reasons for this. Maybe they don’t have a lot of time but need to set something in motion. Or perhaps they are running low on energy or supplies.

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