Powerful Voodoo Spells

Powerful Voodoo Spells

Powerful Voodoo Spells.  A Stand Tall Doll Ok, a little silly with the name of this poppet spell but it’s a spell to help you gain some courage and confidence. Bring some additional strength to your life with a few simple supplies:

3 sticks, about 6 to 8 inches long
Heavy twine or rough string
A sturdy nail
A dried chili pepper

Actual branches or twigs are best for this spell, but you can use dowels or even Popsicle sticks if that’s what you have on hand. Use the twine to tie the sticks together in a rough A shape, with the cross-piece close to the top to create a shape that looks like a person (well, it has 2 arms and 2 legs anyway).Tie the chili pepper to one leg and the nail to the other. Wrap all the limbs and head of your stick doll in twine a few more times.  Stand the doll upright somewhere important in your home where you will frequently see it. When you do, remind yourself to stand tall when you make your choices during the day. Powerful Voodoo Spells

Love spells that work instantly for beginners

Be a Love Magnet
Here is another easy witchcraft spell that will draw things to you, though in this case it’s love. You’ll need:

A small magnet
Ylang Ylang oil
Pink ribbon Make sure you’re using a magnet large enough to tie the ribbon around, so no little button magnets. Rub a little oil into the magnet and then tie ribbon around it with a sturdy knot. Carry it with you to bring some love into your life. Recharge it with more oil on Friday nights until you meet someone new. Powerful Voodoo Spells

simple spells for witchcraft and magic

Classic Candle Spell for Love

This is one of those simple spells that everyone loves. It has all the classic elements of a good magick spell, and it works to bring you new love. You will need: A pink candle
• Rose oil
• A little dried lavender or rose petals Sprinkle the petals around and set your candle-holder on top. Rub the rose oil along the candle, and light it in the holder. Repeat the words:

I wish to find love
And wish it to last
wish to find love
May it come fast

Repeat the words 3 times, and then leave the candle to burn out. Watch for some new love to make itself known.

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