Voodoo Doll Spells For Revenge  .Have you ever had someone do something so despicable and bad to you that you wished. There was a way you could repay them in equal measure?  Well, worry not anymore for my revenge voodoo doll spells have the power to grant you that revenge you so badly yearn for. Why should someone knowingly hurt you or do something to you they know they should not to do in the first place and then get away with it?

The answer is they absolutely should not.
Voodoo dolls have been used for spells for decades and decades as they act as the person the spell is cast over and actually they are the tools I use to do revenge for that come to me wanting to return the favor to someone that did something to them through my voodoo spells.

Over the years voodoo spells have been used for the purposes of setting wrongs rights in people’s lives in order to restore that balance to life that says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. As such, my revenge voodoo doll, voodoo dolls and voodoo spells have been the solution for many of my clients that have had something bad done to them by someone in their life.

Voodoo lost love

The only reason there can be lasting peace is if people get to know that once you do something bad to someone there is a very big chance that that someone can very well so return that same favor to them just as easily as it was done in the first place.
wait until midnight, and put your doll on a black piece of cloth or paper, between two black candles. You may like to sprinkle the cloth or paper with some fine grit or sand, to make it a little more uncomfortable for your victim.

No nice velvet sheets for them! Place a nail at the feet of the doll, and a stone that feels right to you at the head.
Anoint the candles with Crossing or Jinx Oil and light them. Remember to rub the oil away from you, which is always done for baleful workings.
Light the candles, and when they lit recite the following:
“Be you gone and may you, (say the name of your victim here)rot in Hell.

Voodoo Ritual For Love

Damballah, curse him (or her), and waste him (or her) as I waste him. By the fires of the night, may he have no peace in bed, nor at this food, not can he run or hide. Waste him and wear him and tear him and rot him and cast him asunder”.
Now chant the following three times:
“Eh! Eh! Bomba, Hen! Hen!
Canga Cafio Te
sCanga Mouna Dele
eCanga Dahi La

CaLi ”The origins and meanings of this chant have been lost in the voodoo swamps of time, but it has been used in various workings by voodooists down the centuries to ensure success in any ritual.
Once you’ve finished the chant, you can close the ritual by pushing pins into the doll, burning it, or tying cotton or cord around its neck, like a noose. Alternatively, you could place it in a coffin like box and bury it in the ground.

The Voodoo Doll Spells For Revenge

Be assured that when you perform this ritual, your enemy will find him or herself in serious deep water-and they might not come up again.
Because of this, it is wise to remember it is NOT a ritual to be done lightly, and only to be used if the victim truly merits it. If used for the wrong purposes, it may well come back at you, so be warned! Addendum If you can’t get hold of any personal items from your victim, like hair or nail clippings, You can still do the black voodoo doll spell. Simply do the following: As before, lay the doll between two black candles and light them.

Then you need to invoke the following three voodoo loa (spirits): Legba, Agwe and Ghede. You’ll need some graveyard dust (dirt from a cemetery, also known as Goofer Dust), water and matches. Sprinkle some dust on the voodoo doll and say:

“Legba, Legba, Gonga Bafo Te.”Sprinkle a few drops of water on the doll and say: “Agwe, Agwe, Conga Noune De Le. ”Lastly, hold a lighted match over the doll and say: “Aia bambaia bomba, Ghede, Ghede, Conga Do Ki La, (then say the name of your victim) may you suffer and hurt and burn in the fires of
hell And thus your sweet revenge is cast only thing you have to do is wait. Voodoo spell using a Voodoo doll In order to make someone love you deeply, don?t hesitate to try out the most powerful and improved spell here.

Voodoo doll control lover

Voodoo doll or the conjured doll is a very useful tool helping you attract your beloved in the fastest way. When making your doll, two important elements that you shouldn’t forget are his hair and clothing. Based on Voodoo witchcraft, you must use the shirt not washed before as well as wrap the doll? s bellybutton with a small piece of lint taken from the person you love so that the spell can be more powerful. With the hair, you need to stick them on the doll? s head.
According to professional spell casters

Voodoo doll is usually used in love spells with the aim of control a persons  physical body. By utilizing the Voodoo spell with the assistance of Voodoo doll, you can prevent your love interest from making physical contact with others.
Make facial features for your Voodoo doll and place it next to you on the bed. Talk to the doll and visualize as you are having a conversation with your beloved before going to sleep. Speak with a pure intention and they might hear your desire despite the distance.

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