Black Magic Spells Online. Hex of the Black Skull Here is a little bit of black magick to put a serious curse on someone. Make sure you read the note about using a skull. A small animal skull
Black pepper
Black candle
A pin with a black head
A strong note that you have to find the skull naturally, as in coming across a dead animal. By no means should you harm something for this spell. Just because it is black magick doesn’t mean this is appropriate. It has to be from an animal that died without your influence. Yes, I know it may be a difficult thing to acquire, that is one reason why it’s a powerful witchcraft talisman. Add several pinches of rue and nettle to the inside of the skull, along with a generous sprinkling of black pepper. Light the candle, and let the wax drip into the skull, covering over the herbs and pepper. It needs to be sealed in place with wax.

The Black Magic Spells Online

As you watch the candle burn and the wax drip, say the spell: In the darkness, the spell’s begun With this skull, my will is done. Pepper, wax, nettle, rue May disaster come to you .As you say the words, visualize the person you are hexing. Let it cool and harden, then turn the skull right-side up. Repeat the words again as you stick the pin through one of the eye holes, and embed the point in the wax inside.

Leave the hex spell charm on your altar space until midnight, then smash it with a hammer. Brush the bits together in a pile, and let it remain until you know your hex has taken effect. Rust and Ruin A little touch of voodoo magick elements with this hex spell, intended to bring suffering to someone you know.5 long rusty nails
Pieces of broken egg shell
Hot pepper oil
A photo of your intended target
Do your best to have a real photo. If you are unable to get one, do a sketch and make sure to write their name out along with it to make the proper connection.

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