Black Magic to Force Someone to Love You

Black Magic to Force Someone to Love You

Black Magic to  Make Someone to Love You and more powerful, then black magic will grant your wish.
Magic is not something that you should mess up with; thus, we advise you to be serious when it comes to finding true love using love spells. Especially if you practice black magic, don?t let yourself be interfered by any negative emotion and thought.
The black magic love spell is extremely powerful if you cast it in the right way and have the right intention. Like other spells, it does require some basic ingredients to awaken the natural forces and also release the positive energy of the universe. In addition, you must improve your mediation and concentration abilities. For the ultimate success, never lose faith in yourself! Ingredients:
A large sheet of paper
2 pens ? one with black ink and one with red ink
A needle
Black thread
3 black candles
Cypress oil
Chicken wing (keep bones and skin)
Red pepper flakes
Your blood

How to cast: Black Magic to Make Someone to Love You

Apply the cypress oil onto all 3 black candles and create a triangle with them on your altar. Light them using only one single match. Spread out the paper and utilize the pen with red ink to write the name of the person you love 13 times; then, write your name on top of theirs availing the black pen.Leave a few drops of wax from 3 candles onto the paper. While performing this act, you need to concentrate on your desire of making someone to love you deeply to increase the energy. The next step is to place the chicken wing on top of the names and add red pepper flakes to build up your attraction.
Prick your left index finger using the needle and let your blood drop onto the paper ? still, don?t lose your focus. Drip more wax from all candles additionally! Tie the whole parchment paper with a black thread and make at least 13 knots.
Put the package in front of your altar for one more hours and then blow off the candles before chanting:
?Gekali Bekuta Bestima Sto Sto Beg?
Wait for the sun sets to bury your package under a big tree.

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