Business Protection Spells. Business is what earns you bread. If you are a person whose sole source of revenue is from a business, you definitely must protect such a business from failure or collapse. There are many things that can affect a business. They include fire, burglary, theft, natural disasters, dishonesty, and spiritual influence. You should remember that when you are a successful businessman, people will often feel jealous about it. Such jealousy can make them plan many things against your business with the intention of making it fail. Government policies can also sometimes affect your business and may lower your profit margins. That’s why you need the best and most effective business protection spells.

This is one of the most powerful protection spells for your business My effective spells for protecting a business are designed to offer a strong protection to your business. The spells will shield your business from calamities and spiritual intrusions. If the taxes are becoming too many, this is a spell that can help you dodge paying taxes. If someone’s jealousy is likely to affect your business, you can neutralize such jealousy and the outcomes using my effective business protection spells.

Banish thieves and avoid theft using effective business protection spells

How many times have they stolen from your business? How much have you lost from such theft or form of dishonesty? This spell will help you catch and punish those thieves that have been stealing and ruining your business. It will protect your business by creating a repelling force against thieves. Whenever they try to come and steal from you, they will not be successful in their scheme. They will even disclose their planned intentions in front of you at daytime. Doesn’t that sound miraculous? THAT IS WHAT CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN! Be the best against your business rivals using my powerful spells that work Business rivals can hinder the progress and success of your business. Business rivals are always bent to ensuring that you fail in your business.

They can do so by cursing your business or planting charms in your business premise. Well, I think you know the implication of that: losses, few customers, bad reputation and failure. You can control your rivals by fortifying your business against their influence. If the rival had taken away your clients or employees, you can bring them back using this spell. It’s time you increased your business income and profits with spells Is your business surrounded by negative energy that is threatening its existence? Do you want to quickly prosper and ensure your business stands strong? Cast my strong protection spells, success business spells, money spells, business spells that work, spells against business rivals and spells for money and good luck.


Have you been having a fantastic streak of awful fortunes that appears to go past happenstance? Do you know any individuals who might do anything to see damage come your direction? Do you hail from a society or culture that is saturated with profound and mysterious symbolizations? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you could conceivably be the focus of black magic. Even without you actually knowing it, someone can be holding negative thoughts against you. Sadly, most individuals expect black magic will never befall them—until it does. They believe they are immune to the pitfalls of focused negative energy, or black magic. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself:

Fortify your Spiritual Shield

Accept it or not, you must regular safeguard yourself against unwanted black magic. A decade or so ago black magic practitioners were isolated in small communities of Haiti, Africa, and Louisiana. Today black magic is at an epidemic level. Anyone that is envious of your success can hire a black magic practitioner on the internet.
If your spiritual shield is not fortified regularly, you are opening yourself up for negative energy and black magic attacks. It obliges you to consistently scrub your environment, mind, aura, and chakras. Keep you environment at home and work clear and clean by burning sage and incense regularly. Clear your mind with meditation and spiritual or inspirational reading.

Maintain a bright aura and focused chakras by working with a Ruach or Reiki Grand Master healer on a regular bases.
Whether you fortify your spiritual shield with others in a church like setting, with the help of a healer, or in your own personal space, it does not matter. Keeping in mind the end goal is that your spiritual shield is fortified and solid. Accept it or not, you must regular safeguard yourself against unwanted black magic.

Use Sea Salt with Business Protection Spells

Salt is a mineral of the earth that has long been hailed for its ability of purging and filtering lands. Can ease off microorganisms from decaying meats. Salt is a large part of the pickling process that ensures vegetables from decay. In a similar manner salt makes a successful hindrance against black magic.
Through the years motion pictures have portrayed individuals making a loop of salt around themselves for protection from black magic. While this is unquestionably powerful, it is simply not functional unless you plan to spend all day sitting in the salt circle.

The great news is that salt doesn’t need to be in a circular ring to give you the black magic protection you need. You can sprinkle it around the whole border of your home and it will have the same impact. Whenever you are home, you’ll know you’re protected…and the knowing makes all the difference in the world. At work put a tiny bowl of salt with a crystal in it on you desk. The crystal will amplify the salt’s protective radius. You can even carry a tiny pill box of salt in your pocket or purse to protect you from black magic.

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