Love Spell Using Texts

Love Spell Using Texts

Love Spell Using Texts When a text and a piece of music are structured. like this, they form a spell. This spell, under correspondences, no longer acts solely by the intellectual sense and audible sound.  But works spiritually by the law of sympathy.  Imagine a spell as a tuning fork that, with its music, sets the strings of an instrument. On the same tone in motion without touching, tuning it.
In the same way, singing and the magic formula are “understood”. On a spiritual level by objects, by stars, by spirits, by nature.
Let us remember that music and words are imbued. Both with the energy of the magician and with the Spirit of the World. To all this the powers of faith.  Dedication and consecration are added.

The Love Spell Using Texts

If the word is the manifestation of thought, then thought is a word uttered in mind. The power of words helps the propagation of idea by adding auxiliary energy. In the case of the spoken word. These auxiliary energies are the sound, the breath and the air in which it propagates (altering its energy).
Moreover, the word can be written. In this case, we are bringing thought and its energy into the material world. Binding its energy into a tangible object (paper, wood, computer, etc.).
Another aspect of the written word is the evocative one: the word can be read and understood at a distance of time, regenerating the sound and the original idea, in a reverse process. The objects, the material things themselves are words – hence sounds and thoughts.

How Love Spell Using Texts are done

When analyzing the words around you: those spoken, sung, written, thought and those in the form of images, objects and actions. Very plausibly you will realize that they express ideas and energies that are not spiritual, often vulgar, futile and also negative and bad. You will notice that these are also the energies that fluctuate in your life and within you.
Each of us has the task of disciplining the mind, of arranging positive thoughts, words, and energies; because we all seek peace and harmony.
Love spell chant is the most powerful and the easiest way to let a wish, a feeling and a thought take shape and become alive.

You can definitely find many different spells and magickal formulas to sing and chant out loud during a spell casting but I firmly believe that you should use them as a starting point to create your own formula. Why? Because that’s the best way to let the energy connect with you and your wishes while spreading your vibes and your magic all over the universe. Plus, it would mean you are deeply truly open to making things happen as you are giving yourself to it, your essence, and your intuition is at work.

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