Love spells you can cast on your own

Love spells you can cast on your own

Love spells you can cast on your own
true love spells
Roses often mean true love
To Tie the Knot This love spell may not actually end in marriage, but the rings are a powerful symbol to help bring true love your way. You’ll need: White rope
1 fresh red rose, with stem
Two plain gold rings (costume jewelry is fine)
Fine white sand
You can use thick yarn instead of the rope, but string just won’t do. Tie a a knot in the center of the rope around the stem of the rose. Slide the two rings down the two ends of the rope up to the knot, and tie the rope again to secure them.

The Love spells you can cast on your own

On the floor (yes, the floor), draw a circle in sand that is large enough to hold the rose. Set the knotted rose down in the center. Sit to the west of the circle and repeat the following: By this knot, I stir the pot.
By this rose, The power flows, By these rings, My love I bring Put your hands together and focus your energy on the rose, and the true love you want to bring into your life. Repeat the words another 3 times. Leave the circle and rose on the floor for 1 week after that.

  1. DO: Remember the law of threefold return.
    Whenever you’re collecting and directing energy, consider the law of threefold return: Whatever you release into the world — positive or negative — will be returned to you three times. Depending on the spell, this triplicity can refer to either sequence or potency, but regardless, casting spells ethically will lead to the best outcomes for others and for yourself. At the end of the day, cosmic warriors, there is no greater power than light: The most effective spells are those rooted in empathy, kindness, and compassion, so always conjure with warmth.

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