Pearls of Love You Chants

Pearls of Love You Chants

Pearls of Love You Chants  will need real pearls for this true love spell, and it draws on the strong element of water to get that love energy moving.A large glass bowl
Pure clean water
3 pearls
White cloth
On your altar, lay out the cloth, set the bowl on it and fill it up with water. Rain water is excellent if you have it, otherwise use some bottled or spring water.Hold the 3 pearls in your hands, and ask the Universe to bring you your one true love. Stand next to the bowl, and spin around once. Drop a pearl into the water, and watch until it settles to the bottom. Repeat the the next 2 pearls.

Spoon out a little of the water, and drink it. Again, ask to have your soul mate brought into your life. Leave the bowl on your altar, until all of the water has evaporated. Don’t be tempted to use a small bowl to speed this up. A larger bowl will give more energy to your spell and have better results. When there is no more water, carry the pearls with you.

How  Pearls of Love You Chants are done

To find the most direct route to manifesting your intention, spend some time figuring out which correspondences best suit your needs. If you are drawn to moon cycles, explore the offerings of each lunation: New moons, for instance, are a great time to begin something new, whereas full moons are useful for discovering truths. Days of the week, colors, textures, herbs, leaves, and crystals are all time-honored correspondence devices, as their unique properties can amplify the power of your spells. You’re also free to create your own associations — just remember, specificity is everything.

Research correspondences.
Spells are based on patterns of connection, the notion that a part can represent a whole and that we can connect our individual practices with the wider workings of the universe. This is the premise of all divination practices, as captured by the classic Hermetic axiom, “As above, so below”.

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