Performing A circle ritual

Performing A circle ritual

Performing A circle ritual Draw a circle with a pentagram inside. This powerful symbol is present during most black magic rituals. It is traditionally drawn in the ground using a wand hewn from a hazel tree. You may use a stick or another implement to draw the symbol if Hazelwood isn’t available. Choose a strategic location that will give your spell the best chance to work

Spirits will have a harder time visiting a location that’s populated by a lot of people, so choose a place in the woods or another area not frequently visited. Graveyards are a classic place to choose if you’re planning on conjuring the dead

Step into the circle of power. Once inside, gather your concentration and energy. You will need all the energy within you to complete the spell. Don’t let yourself get distracted. Recite the words of power associated with your desired spell.

The Performing A circle ritual

Each spell has different words of power that are recited to achieve the outcome you want. If you are summoning a demon or some other spirit, you must learn its true name before the spell will work.

There is no one spell that will work to bring true love, give you immortality, and so on. Do research to find a spell, or write your own if you’d like. Write your spell in your grimoire. A grimoire is a sort of textbook for spells, with instructions on how to use black magic. Another name for a grimoire is a “Book of Shadows.” You can create your own Book of Shadows or use one that was already compiled by another magic practitioner.

One famous example is The Witches’ Way, by Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar. Prepare for your results. If your spell works, the outcome you desire will take effect. Prepare for this, and also prepare for the evil that may come. If you have summoned a demonic beast or evil spirit, treat it with respect. These creatures do not necessarily have loyalty to their summoner.

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