Powerful Black Magic

Powerful Black Magic

Powerful Black Magic . What is black magic? skull black magic Black magic is magical work that is done for selfish purposes, without regard for how it affects others, or even with intentional harmful effects such as revenge, curses or hexes.

Black magic practitioners do not necessarily believe in the Law of Threefold Return. In fact, this is a Wiccan concept that probably evolved from the Hindu concept of karma.

Black magic is powerful magic and it is up to the practitioner to decide where to draw the line. In certain instances, black magic may be the only force powerful enough to prevent harm to yourself or others that you love. It can be used to restore justice and peace where the systems in our physical world have failed.

Some black magic practitioners even argue that the concept of Threefold Return actually creates a situation of victimization, where witches believe that they are deserving of suffering. If someone is a victim of a violent crime, for example, why should the lesson be to accept and forgive? Why should it not be appropriate to right the wrong?

The Powerful Black Magic

Some argue that the turn the other cheek philosophy is actually a holdover from Christianity and has no place in witchcraft whatsoever. Knowing the depths of your power and being able to protect yourself from dark forces can restore a sense of autonomy and power to the practitioner.

Black magic sex spell

This spell attempts to control the will and lust of another person and comes from the Hoodoo practice. If it works well, the person you cast it on will be around for a long long time, so you’d better be sure that’s what you want!

Materials and supplies

Dried blood, lock of hair or fingernail clipping
Red, satin cloth
Black needle and thread
Spell casting

A Powerful Black Magic

Gather the bodily items from your proposed lover
Collect the same from yourself
Put the items together in the red cloth
Sew the cloth together with the items inside while chanting your names
Carry the pouch under your armpit for three days then burn it
Black magic end adultery spell

This spell will cause the relationship between your cheating partner and his/her love interest to go sour.

Materials and supplies

A lemon
Chile pepper
Spell casting

Write the names of the people you want separated on two pieces of paper
Slice the lemon in half
Pin the names inside of the lemon
Add the dirt, Vinegar, chile pepper and mustard onto the insides of the lemon halves
Smash them together and pin them together
Take the lemon far away from your home and leave it to rot in the sun
Black magic bring back an ex spell

This spell will bring back an ex, even against their will. They will be compelled to return to you. Read more at:

Materials and supplies

Organic chicken wing
Red candle
Sterile needle
Three drops of your blood
Yarn or thread
Wooden matches
One sheet of parchment paper
Spell casting

More of Powerful Black Magic

Light the candle with the wooden match
Use the chicken wing to write the name of your ex on the parchment
Write your name on top of theirs
Drip seven drops of wax from the candle onto the parchment
Use the needle to draw three drops of blood from your finger and drip onto the paper
Focus all of your energy on your ex as you drip the blood
Bow out the candle and chant:
“Salima Ratiki Bustako”

Wrap the chicken wing in the paper and tie it together with the yarn.
Bury the package the same day
Light the remaining candle on the next full moon and let it burn itself out

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