Spells to curse someone to love you

Spells to curse someone to love you

Spells to curse someone to love you We’ve talked about punishment spells to hurt people previously, so now I want to inform you curses getting your love interest to love you and obsess over you. Cast it either on you or on your desired person.
If someone performs a ritual with this spell on you, then you will instantly find yourself unable to ignore their charm and presence. I don’t really encourage you to use revenge spells to curse someone to love you because there will be no happiness in a relationship if the free will of either side is manipulated.

Easy revenge spells that work effectively You want to revenge; however, you’re afraid of casting spells because you are new to this witchcraft realm and have no experience. The excuse of never using spells can’t stop you from punishing your enemy. For assistance, you can start practicing easy revenge spells.
In case you’re searching for some simple curses or easy spells to revenge, contact us via the page’s chat box. We have many years of experience in studying different kinds of spells; thus, this matter is our strength.
Our reply via email will provide you easy revenge spells causing not much damage to yourself but still delivering clear messages to your enemies.

The Spells to curse someone to love you

Protection spells If you don’t want to cast revenge spells on your enemies, then you can actually perform a ritual using protection spells on yourself. By the time anyone attacks you with magic, you already have your protection. Not only keeping you safely, protection spells that work will immediately bounce back to the person who is hurting you as well as bring exactly the same things they want to happen to your life.

Lemon spells to keep someone away Spells using lemon are an effective way to keep someone whom you don’t want to see away from you. The thing I prefer about this spell is it simplicity – easy to cast and safe; in other words, nothing happens negatively even if the spell doesn’t work.
You don’t have to suffer from any dangerous consequence.
Despite of this, you’re not allowed to abuse this spell continuously. Avoid doing it again and again to punish the one you hate!

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