Tips Of  Reuniting With An Ex .When it comes to reuniting with an ex spouse or partner. The best remedy usually consists of taking a step back in order to make a stronger comeback.
There are reasons behind why this breakup took place, so it these issues are going to need to be addressed. We want your ex to understand that you’ve recognized the root of the problem. And that you’ve taken the steps to implement long term solutions in your life.
That is why we often use the no contact rule. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this technique, it basically consists of cutting all forms of communication. With your ex partner for a predetermined period.  Of time that will depend on the intricacies of your relationship and breakup. For more in depth information on how to harness the power of this technique, I encourage you to click the link! reuniting after break up

Coping With A Breakup: The Biggest Do’s And Don’ts

When you use the NC rule when you’re working on getting back with an ex.  You give yourself the opportunity to hit the reset button. If you use this tool properly, you will start to see signs your ex will eventually come back.
The first thing that happens is that you give your ex a little electroshock. At this point, he or she is expecting you to pine for their attention and that you’d bend over backwards for them. When you show them that you you are focusing on yourself and that you have taken them off of that pedestal.  You’ll have their attention.
When they realize that they don’t have access to you like they thought they did (because you don’t respond to their messages and are no longer reaching out to them), they’ll start to pay even closer attention.

Now, the key to success is to focus on personal development. Think about what areas of your life could benefit from improvement, and make these things a priority. Then Think about what passions and goals got put on the back burner while this relationship took center stage in your life, and start to carve out ample time for them again.  And Think about your physical health and make sure you’re active, and that you’re filling your schedule with people and activities that bring you joy.
This will start to boost your self confidence, you will feel busier and more satisfied in your life, and little by little, your ex is going to realize that you are becoming the new and improved version of the person they fell in love with in the first place! This is what makes you irresistible…
Your ex is going to begin to crave your attention, and this will create a shift in the power play.

Spiritual ways to get your ex back

Wondering if you can get your ex back by using the Law of Attraction? The answer is YES.

Even though you may not always be aware of it, you are constantly manifesting your reality.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Like the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction is a law of the universe that is always in action.

Without exception, you will always attract into your life whatever you give your energy, focus, and attention to.

Of course, this law will apply to romantic relationships.

Keep reading below to learn how to get your ex back with the Law of Attraction in 5 steps

Stages of getting your ex back

Clarify Why You Want To Get Your Ex Back

The first step to manifesting your ex using the Law of Attraction is to clarify what you want and why you want it.

Your thoughts and beliefs are like a magnet, and according to the “like attracts like” principle, you’ll attract experiences that match it.

So you need to have absolute clarity over what you want to manifest it. Tips Of  Reuniting With An Ex

Grab a journal and write down your ex’s name and why you want to get back together.

The “why” here is important because it will dictate whether you will attract positive or negative experiences.

If the reason you want to get your ex back is backed by negative energy like loneliness and desperation, then you’ll attract more negative outcomes.

Instead, you want the reason you want your ex back to be backed by positive intentions like happiness and joy so you can attract a loving relationship.

Another name for the Universe is Love because love is the highest vibrational energy you can be in.

When your desire is backed by love, the Universe is bound to respond by bringing more loving experiences into your life.

Visualize As If You Are Back Together With Your ex

Your energy creates your reality. Therefore, it’s important to remember that it’s your feeling that attracts when it comes to manifestation.

Out of all the manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feeling of reuniting with your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is through visualization.

For this exercise, go somewhere quiet where you can be alone with no disturbance. Tips Of  Reuniting With An Ex

Take deep breaths and picture in your head how you’ll feel when you are finally back with your ex.

Visualize your ex’s face, name, personality, and good memories – anything that will help you get into the feeling of being with him or her again.

Once you have a strong mental picture of your ex, you should shift your focus to the good feelings this brings you.

You’ll want to focus on high-vibe feelings such as happiness, joy, and love.

Refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale to find out how emotions correspond to vibrations.

When you feel happy, joyful, and in love, you’ll attract experiences that match your energy according to the Law of Attraction.
Step 3: Witness Your Limiting Beliefs

The third step is to witness your limiting beliefs that are in your way to manifesting.

Limiting beliefs are the negative beliefs that constrain your life.

Limiting beliefs block your Law of Attraction powers because they drag you down towards negative energy. And when you’re in a state of negativity, you’ll attract negative outcomes.

The Tips Of  Reuniting With An Ex

Some common limiting beliefs when you are trying to manifest a lover are:

I’m terrible at relationships
I’m going to be alone forever
I always sabotage my relationships
I’ll never find true love
He/ She does not love me
He/ She does not want to talk to me
He /She does not want anything to do with me
He/ She has moved on to someone else
One thing that’s common in all of these limiting beliefs is they are all false.

These beliefs only exist in your mind as a result of your past experiences to protect yourself from pain in the future.

The first step to getting rid of your limiting beliefs is to acknowledge them.

By witnessing them, you’ll be able to recognize that they are not true and take action to eliminate them from your life.

Honor yourself for having the strength to witness your limiting beliefs instead of running from them.

Trust that if you weren’t ready to face your limiting beliefs about your relationship, you wouldn’t have even read this blog post!

By choosing to search for a post like this, you unconsciously said you’re ready to heal and you’re ready to be free.




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