Voodoo Love Spell

Voodoo Love Spell

Voodoo Love Spell You need a pink construction paper (a red cardboard would also do), scissors, pink candle, one tablespoon ginseng powder, two cups of sugar, one tablespoon cinnamon and Erzulies – the deity. Firstly, clean the candle and consecrate it. Now add the ginseng powder, cinnamon, and sugar together and mix them well. You need to cut a doll out of the construction paper or the cardboard that you gathered. Now light the candle and begin believing in what you are doing. The process may seem a little weird to you, but if you don’t believe in the energy that you are inviting into yourself, you can’t cast this spell successfully. On the back of the doll, you have to put down your wishes, goals and the deepest desires of your heart. Try to be as specific and in detail as possible. Now invite Erzulies so that you can get what you have been manifesting all through this process. Once you feel there is some strange energy around you, this is your time to make a wish. Be as honest as you can and transparent. Attune yourself with the universe.

The Voodoo Love Spell

Now write the name of your lover on the voodoo doll (on the front area) 13 times. Cross their name with your name (13 times, too!)Now place the voodoo doll on a plate. It is time for you to cover this plate with the mixture that you created. At the center of this mixture, place the candle (or stick it) and start talking to the deity about your wishes. T ry to get into the energy as much as you can so that your wishes are heard. You have to tap the right frequency in the Universe. Please note that this process is as good as manifesting your desire using the concept of Law Of Attraction. In the end, let the candle burn for 13 minutes. Keep wishing for what you want. Save the dish with the mixture, the doll, and the wax drippings. You have to repeat this process for 13 days. On the 14th day, place this voodoo doll in a safe place and keep it safe until your desired wish comes true. When you get what you want, thank the Universe as well as Erzulies.

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